Saturday, 7 January 2012

Activities of Bangalore Ladies Chapter

Inauguration Of Vijaywada Ladies Chapter
Vijaywada Ladies Chapter was inaugurated by Mrs. Shoba Kalro, President - National Ladies Wing with Mr. Biharilal Menda, President & Rita Ajmera in September 2011

Inauguration Of Madhurai Ladies Chapter
It was a great day in the history of Madhurai Sindhis as the Madhurai Sindhi Ladies Chapter and Madhurai Sindhi Ladies Wing was inaugurated at Hotel Metropole in September 2011. Mr.Vashdev Talreja- President Madhurai  Sindhi Shikarpur Association, Mr. Bihharilal Menda - President SFOSI, Mrs. Shoba Kalro President National Ladies wing, Gurmukh Kinger Secretary SFOSI were present at the Occasion.

Sindhurathna Award Function
 The coveted and much awaited awards of our federation was presented to the awardees at the AGM held at Mangalore.The name of the awardees are mentioned below.

NCPSL - SFOSI Meet at Bangalore

The Sindhi Federation of South India and the Bangalore Ladies Chapter have organized a 2-day National Sindhi Seminar on the 5th and 6th November 2011 of NCPSL at Hinduja Hall, KK Road. His Excellency the Governor of Karnataka Sri. H.R.Bhardwaj inaugurated and presided as Chief Guest on the first day of the seminar.

Bangalore Ladies Chapter - BLC - Love & Compasion